Rogue landlord crackdown sees fines and potential jail time
7th August 2017
A landlord faces jail time and a potential fine of almost £135,000 after letting out a property without any planning permission.
The landlord, from Walthamstow in North London, who converted his three bedroom family home in Barking into two separate flats: a one-bed flat and a two-bed flat. He failed to apply for and obtain planning permission or meet both the buildings and fire regulations to make sure the property was safe.
The enforcement and community safety councillor, Laila Butt, told local paper the Barking and Dagenham Post that this was “blatant exploitation” by the landlord as he made an astonishing £129,755.15 in rent before he was finally stopped by authorities.
Councillor Butt said the landlord “demonstrated a flagrant disregard for the law” and went on to say “We have procedures in place to protect people and ensure that all work meets fire regulations and safety measures.”
“The majority of landlords in our borough are responsible but we will not hesitate to take action against the few who think they can put profit ahead of people”.
The landlord in question has been fined £5,000 under Section 179 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as well as being ordered to hand over £129,755.15 he received as unidentified cash into his bank account. He was given 3 months to repay the money or face a year behind bars.
The council were able to discover these activities due to Barking and Dagenham Council and they have said the money will be “reinvested into efforts to tackle such rogue landlords”.
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