Brighton’s still got it!
4th March 2020
Brighton has been named the most profitable city to invest in for buy-to-let landlords in the UK.
According to a study by CIA Landlord, landlords investing in the Brighton property market can typically expect to make an average monthly profit of £668.95. The research calculated these figures by took the average property price, mortgage costs, average rent, and monthly costs and profit into consideration, click here for more info.
The Brighton and Hove local economy has grown to over £7bn in the last year, fuelled by the rise of new industries (creative and digital) and strong consolidation in others (tourism and retail). With 35,000 students, there is a huge pool of highly skilled and well-trained individuals to attract expanding businesses or start-ups – of which the city has one of the highest rates in the UK. The guardian reported Brighton is one of the most popular cities for those moving out of London. Perhaps the economy, coupled with Londoners being accustomed to high prices helps to keep Brighton rents and property prices buoyant.
The current population is around 288,000. The ONS predict it is expected to grow to around 304,300 by 2026 and will hit 327,300 by 2041. So although market trends have changed in the short term due to a shift in supply and demand, there’s nothing to suggest Brighton and Hove won’t continue to achieve significant yields for investors. If you are looking for an investment property and would like to be added to our database or you are looking to sell, please call us on 01273 645797.
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